Te Hau Aroha - Māori
Ko Kurahaupō te waka
Ko Punahau te moana
Ko Tararua te maunga
Ko Muaūpoko te iwi
Ko Te Hau Aroha te wharenui
Ko Waiopehu te kareti
"Kia whakatōkia te manaakitanga i tō tātou kura - ‘me te hau aroha’
Tihei Mauriora
In the late 1980's Matua Richard Ngata who was the Māori teacher at the time acquired old prefab buildings from Kohitere. Over the years the building had become run done and eventually demolished. The Māori unit was relocated and Matua Richard named our whare Te Hau Aroha (The Loving Winds).
Te Hau Aroha is the heart and home of Te Reo Māori me ōnā tikanga at Waiopehu College.
In our whare we offer programs to learn Te Reo Māori from beginners right through to advanced Te Reo Māori.
Our whare also offer teachings in Toi, Rongoā and Manaaki Marae.
We pride ourselves on offering teachings that are fun, interactive and hands on. We strive to teach our students the value of manaakitanga which is to care for, support, respect and uplift each other. Kia whakatōkia te manaakitanga i tō tātou kura - ‘me te hau aroha’
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